Design, engineering and technology

Art/Tech Cover lesson - Buckethat
Using Memphis Style design to create their own patterns onto a buckethat

Make your own board game
Series of lessons on creating personalised board games.
Great for Art, DT or form.

Year 9 textiles- 90's moodboard lesson.3
Lesson 3. 90’s bucket hat project
Creating a moodboard with example

ACCESS FM/ Specification lesson 2.
Year 8/9 bucket hat specification lesson with example.
Lesson 2. 90’s bucket hat project

90's Bucket Hat - Lesson1.
Self- directed 90’s bucket- hat project.
Set up as a digital booklet but can be adapted or shown as traditional power-point.
Lesson 1.
Students introduced to brief, mood board research page on bucket- hat styles.
Lessons to be added as I go…